Advocat AI Legal Team

Advocat Technologies Inc.

Advocat AI Legal Team

Advocat Technologies Inc.

Your Own AI team to Create, Negotiate, Track, and Understand Any Legal Agreement

Have your own AI Legal Team to directly assist your company's business, operations and finance users or if you prefer, use Advocat to help your company's attorneys. Create, negotiate, e-sign, store, analyze, understand and track your legal documents so that that you don’t miss anything.

  • Create any document from:
    • Built-in templates
    • Your own company's templates
    • Or just describe what you need and Advocat AI will apply your legal guardrails to generate it for you.
  • Negotiate
    • Send any document out for negotiation with a counterparty and both of you can redline and comment on the documents on Advocat’s platform. All related documents stay organized and you can see who has changes on any part.
    • Get AI negotiating insights on the effect of changes that the counterparty is proposing with Advocat’s Redline Analysis.
    • Included unlimited e-signatures.
  • Collaborate
    • With your attorney and your team members
  • Ask anything
    • Get legal documents explained to you and get an understanding about how they fit in with all of the other legal documents you have on Advocat.
    • Upload any legal document from any source to understand it better.
    • Ask questions such as “How does this NDA that someone sent me compare to our company’s normal one?” and “what does this paragraph mean” and “In this contract, what do I do if I don’t like the service provider?”
    • Get an AI summary of each document and related documents in a negotiation to understand better.

Used globally to do business in the United States of America and/or Canada.