aiProtect DDoS mitigation and Application Firewall


aiProtect DDoS mitigation and Application Firewall


aiProtect identifies and mitigates DDoS attacks, while alerting and informing you about the source.

Bring Your Own License enabled.
aiProtect identifies and mitigates DDoS attacks, while tracking the source and method of the attack. When detecting an attack, you will automatically receive an email, informing you about the source and method of attack, while providing you a link to download all offending IP addresses. At the same time, aiProtect automatically starts mitigating the attacks, to make sure your origin servers stay up. aiProtect works like a reverse proxy server and is placed in between your origin server and the web. Some examples of defensive measurements include:
  • Intelligent request throttling: This limits requesting clients to a certain number of requests per interval. For example, aiProtect can limit a client to 20 requests per 10 seconds. This method of throttling is different from simple RPS-limiting and is much more user friendly, since it practically always allows normal users to visit. If your typical page consists of 10-15 items, such 20:10 limit will allow users to view a complete page every 10 seconds, presenting no inconvenience for a human, but preventing bots from taking down your server.
  • IP blocking: aiProtect identifies the offending addresses and blocks all traffic, while writing offending addresses to a directory for analysis. You can whitelist or blacklist entire IP ranges, based on text files or individual addresses
  • Enforcing client time limits: This means a client must provide a complete, well-formed request header within a set period. After providing request header, client must then provides a complete, well-formed request body, (a complete request,) within a certain time. This negates Denial of Service (DOS) attacks, where idling connections are opened to a web site in the hope of overwhelming its capacity to sustain large numbers of TCP sessions.
  • RTATC: The most extreme defense: Reverse Turing Access Token Control. This optional feature is like a very flexible and configurable CAPTCHA. If the response indicates the presence of a human, an access token, good for configurable amount of time is issued to the requesting browser.
You can deploy aiProtect without studying any programming language. You do not need to change or upgrade your existing infrastructures if you are under DDoS attacks. Simply point your web site's DNS record to the aiProtect instance. This will detect and block hostile IPs and only pass legitimate requests to your backend server. Proof of concepts use your current site as an origin, effectively running parallel to your production environment. We provide 2 hours of free deployment support*, which is enough to configure most web applications. Please contact us for a free technical consult. *Note: The 2 hours of free deployment is not available, if your site is currently under attack. It is for preventive users only. For existing customers, we do provide free mitigation support, limited at 2 hours (subscription 1 month+). In any case, we can help you out for 175usd/h. Email, skype and phone available M-F Business hours EST.
***This SKU is for launching an aiProtect instance with your own license file, purchased directly from aiScaler (BYOL). Pricing follows the same pricing as "on-premise" deployments, see: . Aside from this Azure will charge you the standard hourly fee, for using the instances*** aiProtect automatically mitigates DDoS attacks, while offloading your origin servers and informing you by email when under attack.