Anvert Kft
Anvert Kft
Anvert Kft
Email sentiment analysis & reply time tracking. Alerts for idle email threads within your business.
Anvert is a state of the art business email intelligence platform that offers actionable insights and reports to support your business to improve efficiency and increase revenue. It will reduce time spent with emails, increase the productivity of your employees and how your company is perceived by your stakeholders and customers.
Key Benefits
Helps to oversee all business email accounts in an easy to use platform
Gives you insights on email sentiment to build and maintain good business relationships
Helps to motivate employees and improve their performance
Enables to contact more leads faster and reduce churn
Makes email communication measurable to increase productivity
Helps to monitor remote and fixed teams or individuals
14 days free trial with the ability to load previous 10 days of data for initial analysis - no credit card data required during the trial period
Key Features
Customizable alerts on idle correspondence based on predefined SLAs
Reply or forward emails directly from the app
Measures email volume and distribution to balance workload
Tracks email reply time and first response time
See reply times of your employee both for internal and external emails
See reply times of your partners and customers
Sentiment index - measures the quality of the relationships between sales teams and clients and the changes in it over time
Emotion tracking - measures 8 key emotions appearing in email threads
Customizable business hours
Customizable access levels, alerts and reports
Anvert is easy to enroll all you need is an internet connection.
We adhere to global AES-128 security standards keeping sensitive information safe at all times.