Elgg Social Networking Engine on Ubuntu 18.04

Apps4Rent LLC

Elgg Social Networking Engine on Ubuntu 18.04

Apps4Rent LLC

A social networking site for creating an online social environment .

Elgg offers campus wide network for universities, schools, colleges, or any learning institute.One of the first platforms to bring the idea of commercial social media media to educational applications. A free to download software, Elgg is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL). It runs on the LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Most popular in Latin American social networks, Elgg has been used during the anti-austerity movement (or 15-M social movement) in Spain. Elgg is also available on Github. 

Features of Elgg on Ubuntu: 

  • Flexible system of hooks and events
  • Inbuilt security with anti CSRF validation
  • Strict XSS filters
  • Opinionated data model with consolidated API layer
  • Pluggable authentication modules
  • Cacheable system of static assets
  • Composer package
  • Client-sided API 
  • RPC web services

Note: Change the server name,server alias setting as per your domain with sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/elgg.conf and restart Apache Service

Application URL: http://publicdns| Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www".

MariaDB | Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www". | Database Name: elgg | Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www".

Disclaimer: Apps4Rent does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. The products come with open source licenses. It is highly recommended to change default passwords before implementing in production. 

Default ports: 

  • SSH: 22
  • HTTP: 80
  • HTTPS: 443
  • MySQL: 3306