BDO Managed Compliance Services

BDO Israel

BDO Managed Compliance Services

BDO Israel

this service built on a unique methodology and team of experts that maps your compliance needs and correlates them to a unified dashboard. BDO managed service for Microsoft Purview will ensure you are meeting your compliance requirements

BDO and Microsoft solution helps you to manage the state of your compliance and relevant risks and built a holistic mitigation plan. BDO solution is a managed service that deployed on Microsoft Defender for Cloud Compliance check and Azure Purview, within the organization. This solution designed to fit the needs of every organization, enterprise or SMB, in any vertical or territory: 1. Support you to automating privacy and compliance processes 2. Provides a quantifiable measure of compliance and data processes 3. Helps prioritize compliance actions with the most impact to the organization compliance posture 4. Automatic test status and date updates 5. Demonstrate search, browse, and govern your data across the entire organization 6. Harness the knowledge of our experts for your organization needs