Ruby Stack 2.1.2-0-dev (Ubuntu 12.10)


Ruby Stack 2.1.2-0-dev (Ubuntu 12.10)


Bitnami RubyStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of Ruby on Rails applications. Ruby on Rails is a full-stack MVC framework for database-backed web applications that is optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration. Bitnami RubyStack includes ready-to-run versions of Ruby, Rails, RubyGems, Apache, MySQL, SQLite, Subversion, Apache, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Git, nginx, sphinx, Imagemagick and more. It is completely integrated and configured, so you'll be ready to start developing your application as soon as the image is launched onto Windows Azure. Bitnami RubyStack is regularly updated to make sure that you always have access to the late [...] For more information on the Bitnami Ruby Stack visit our website (, wiki ( and forums (

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