Industrial Visual Solution


Industrial Visual Solution


A machine vision solution that offers automated inspection and analysis based on images.

A machine vision solution that offers automated inspection and analysis based on images, for applications such as automatic inspection, process control, robot guidance, etc.

How can we help you to implement it?

  • We provide you with the cameras, embedded hardware and any device necessary to implement this solution. We are official partners of Intel.
  • We design and apply Machine Learning algorithms through the use of Computer Vision, in the cloud and in the devices themselves.
  • Implementation of software and integration with existing systems.

Scenarios for application:

  • Predictive maintenance
  • Material sensing
  • Inspection
  • Classification
  • Logistics
  • Airports
  • Food/Agriculture
  • Enhanced security

  • Increase the productivity of employees who can focus on other tasks. This solution makes it possible to automate many processes that previously required human supervision.
  • Optimal costs from improving the quality of products and enabling employees to focus on other tasks.
  • Improved quality thanks to the algorithms that allow us to check that work on the assembly line is correct and to detect problems before they occur.
  • Guaranteed security from detecting any type of object to prevent accidents happening.
  • Faster, automated learning, the algorithms employed will improve automatically the more they are used, because they can be retrained with more real cases afterwards