Managed SOC and Incident Response with Sentinel


Managed SOC and Incident Response with Sentinel


A round the clock service providing threat detection and response using a blend of human analysts and automation to mitigate impacts and disrupt threats whilst also proactively reducing the attack surface through threat and vulnerability management.

Information systems and the data they contain are extremely valuable either in themselves or can be used as leverage to achieve attacker objectives. This is one of the key factors in the growth of the threat landscape which is also fuelled through the ease with which threats can now launch attacks. The minimum knowledge bar needed to launch an attack and succeed were high a few years ago, but now entire attack toolkits and infrastructure for all manner of attack strategies are available to buy or rent at commodity prices as easy as it is to buy something from your favourite web shop. This means that attacks are more prevalent and the net that is cast is much wider, as such organisations in any vertical of any size are viable targets. Many of these attacks can bypass traditional security technology that relies on signature based detection, which means it is more likely that organisation's defences will be breached undetected. Organisations now need modern security tools to detect modern threats and that also focuses on techniques and behaviours as well as suspect actions taken by scripts or executables. C+C's SOC service benefits those organisations where there the above risks are recognised and do not want to build an internal capability, either as it would take too long or cost too much. Our SOC managed service scales to service Small Businesses all the way through to Large Enterprises. At a bare minimum, the managed service can be as scaled back as just providing high fidelity threat detection, through to incident containment and vulnerability management. The SOC leverages Microsoft's Azure Sentinel platform as its core Command and Control for threat detection and response, but the solution is not just limited to monitoring Microsoft technology though there are additional benefits in seamless integration and cost savings if your technology strategy is focused on the Microsoft stack. C+C will manage design, deployment, integration to stand up not only the technology but the processes needed to integrate with your business in delivering an efficient threat detection and response service. Technology plays a large part in your defences, but you could be inundated with alerts and potential incidents if they are not properly tuned to your organisation. We take the time to understand your use cases and develop detailed run books and RACI matrices to ensure response is delivered efficiently and that there are no gaps in response. Our service is SLA backed and operates 24x7 in the UK to give you added assurance and confidence. We can optionally deploy vulnerability management capability to help move your security defences from a reactive state to a proactive state by reducing your attack surface. Our service can include technology and service that can detect and report on vulnerabilities that are present on your perimeter, your internal infrastructure and your cloud or hosted environments to further improve your security posture.