Cyren Inbox Security


Cyren Inbox Security


Cyren Inbox Security continuously detects and automatically remediates phishing attacks.

Evasive phishing, business email compromise (BEC) andfraud attacks are getting past existing email defenses. The sophistication ofthese attacks helps them avoid perimeter detection and fool your employees,including those who’ve been through Security Awareness and Training programs.

Cyren Inbox Security establishes a continuous, adaptiveand automated layer of security right in the user mailbox, where it is neededmost.

Delivered as a native cloud service, Cyren Inbox Securityprovides:

Continuous Monitoring and Detection

Persistent rescanning of inbound, outbound and deliveredemails in all folders assures prompt detection of evasive attack indicators,while real-time analysis of user and mailbox behaviors identifies anomaliesthat point to a possible threat.

Automated Response and Remediation

Policy-based response framework automates remediationactions in individual mailboxes and across all mailboxes in the organization,while automated incident and case management workflows further reduceinvestigative overhead and accelerate threat resolution.

Crowd-sourced user detection

Our seamless mailbox plugin lets users scan and reportsuspicious emails at will, and automatically close the feedback loop on alerts,which reinforces your security training and provides valuable crowdsourcedthreat intelligence that is fed back into the system to improve threatdetection.

Cyren Inbox Security is fully integrated with Office 365, so you can onboard in just a few clicks and be up and running in minutes, without making a single change to other security equipment or systems.

With Cyren Inbox Security, your IT admins and security teams enjoy a complete management dashboard plus robust workflows that simplify incident response and investigation processes, and automate remediation.

Security teams no longer have to spend hours manually reviewing and removing malicious emails, as Cyren Inbox Security does the heavy lifting for you.

Cyren Incident Response Service (CIRS) is a complementary service that provides enterprise customers with 24x7 expert support forphishing incident investigation and response.

With CIRS consultants constantly on the lookout for suspicious emails, mailbox anomalies, and cyber trends, the service relieves the burden on IT and security teams from complicated and time consuming threat investigation and can provide a faster, more effective response to malicious phishing attacks.