Smart Resources - IoT


Smart Resources - IoT


SaaS solution to empower sustainable decision making enabled by IoT and Data Analytics

Smart Resources is a Plug & Play Software as a Service (SaaS) that measures consumption and quality of energy, water, gas, fuel or air to support sustainable decision-making across industries.

As organization of all sizes reevaluate, it’s clear that deploying technology is key, both for accelerating economic growth and ensuring we do so in a sustainable way.

Innovative technologies such as IoT and Data empower organizations in achieving more sustainable ways of working and reshaping the benefits of their endeavors.

Smart Resources aims to support this (r)evolution by empowering every decision-maker within the organization in taking sustainability into their decisions through data generation and insights.
Through the use of disruptive technologies such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence or Cloud Computing, we gather data related to various variables related to resources consumption to generate insights that support decision-makers in taking sustainability into account in everything they do.

1. Devices: The utilization of autonomous, smart and non-invasive devices with advanced LPWAN communications is key to monitor every resource no matter its location.
2. Data: Thanks to cutting technologies such as edge computing and data analytics, Smart Resources normalizes and standardizes all data in a single environment.
3. Insights: The application of algorithms and business intelligence to the data results in the generation of useful insights support decision-makers in their daily work.
4. Actions: The solution empowers every person within the organization to make powerful and sustainable decisions, resulting in a mesh working towards the same direction