Follett Aspen SIS

Follett (United States)

Follett Aspen SIS

Follett (United States)

Follett's Aspen Student Information System (SIS)

PreK-12 educators around the world trust Follett School Solutions to provide the content, technology solutions, thought leadership, and expert support they need to meet their organizational goals. Our suite of solutions and materials can be customized to suit the needs of any library, classroom, school, district, or learning center. Follett partners with over 93,000 schools worldwide with more than 40 million students learning and growing with Follett products.
Included in our offerings are:
• New and certified pre-owned textbooks and supplemental materials for the classroom
• Tools and content to help school libraries become a hub of learning and interactivity
• Software solutions to comprehensively manage resources and academic data
• Services to help choose the best content, get a new school up and running, streamline logistics, and more
• Professional development opportunities to inspire and inform educators of all types
When it comes to reaching your educational goals, Follett is your partner. We offer best-in-class technology solutions that provide your organization with a complete path to achieve district success and promote student achievement. Together, these technologies supply everything you need to track resources, securely manage student data, handle logistics, and more.
Why Aspen Student Information System?
Aspen Student Information System (SIS) is a centralized platform for hosting and managing student data. Aspen SIS safely and securely stores data like class schedules, school events, student performance, athletic eligibility, individual health records, and much more. Aspen thus eliminates the need for multiple databases and streamlines the process of reporting student data, creating instructional plans, and applying state-specific guidelines.
Aspen Student Information System (SIS) is a cost-effective, convenient, and powerful resource for staff, students, and parent
Benefits of Aspen SIS
• Quick access to timely, actionable data
• Comprehensive, customized state reporting
• Robust gradebook for traditional and standards-based scoring
• Master scheduling; arrange class and event schedules that best fit the needs of students
• Health database that provides access to student medical information and tracks individual health needs
• Fully integrates with Aspen Instructional Management System (IMS) and various digital learning tools