Hackrate Managed Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (mVDP)


Hackrate Managed Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (mVDP)


Enable the ethical hackers to report vulnerabilities that may have otherwise been unreported.

Vulnerabilities can be caused by several factors, including design and development flaws, misconfiguration, and operational processes. Vulnerability disclosure refers to the process of identifying, reporting, and patching these weaknesses of software, hardware, or services. With mVDP, we help you get alerts on security vulnerabilities from independent security researchers or your customers before cybercriminals exploit these bugs.

We help you to establish a process to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities.

Know your weaknesses
Enable the ethical hacker community to report vulnerabilities regarding your company that may have otherwise been unreported.

Prevent data breach
By fixing the reported security bugs, you will be able to prevent a serious data breach.

Validated reports
With a professional security team, we will help you to reduce the resources needed for managing reports.