Iamprogrez Skillbuilder for Minecraft


Iamprogrez Skillbuilder for Minecraft


Adding 21st Century skill certificates connected to learning objectives to Minecraft (Education)

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Iamprogrez Skillbuilder for Minecraft (Education) an award-winning innovative layer to measure 21st century skills and add skill certificates connected to learning objectives.

Are you a School, Teacher or Principle for Secondary or Higher Education (12+) that wants to improve the engagement of students with Game-based learning? Making their skills measurable and visible? And do you want to embed and connect this in your learning methods, courses and learning objectives?

Two options to choose from, with both a combination of the Skill Builder service and Minecraft is required:

Option 1:

Choose an existing Minecraft World from the worldwide library and we can refactor this world “on your behalf” and add a skill certificate connected to learning objectives.

Option 2:

We can create and build a fully tailored new Minecraft World with your themes and learning objectives adding off course our skill builder service to measure skills and add skill certificate.

Take a look at organisations as RijksMuseum Amsterdam, Uppakra Museum Sweden and the Dutch Traffic Association for whom we built specific worlds.

Contact us to discuss your wishes and receive a custom offer for your world.

Use the most loved game ever: Minecraft (Education)

Add our skill builder layer and be ready for the future of game based learning.