Igneous DataDiscover | File Analytics As-a-Service

Igneous Systems

Igneous DataDiscover | File Analytics As-a-Service

Igneous Systems

DataDiscover is the simplest way to see, analyze, and act on all your NAS file data.

Visualize all your file data in a simple, web-based, interactive dashboard. See what you have, where it lives, its age and the last time it was accessed. Even if it’s billions of files and petabytes of data, Igneous’ unique approach to scan, index and archive data will support the most demanding file environment. Get an immediate return on your investment today by identifying cold data that can be moved to less expensive storage on Azure.

  • Discover the 60%+ of cold data on your NAS
  • Reclaim NAS capacity and costs
  • Right-size your storage refreshes and cloud spend
  • Save up to 50% in future storage spend

Visibility for billions of files

DataDiscover scans up to 17 billion files per day. VM's scale to meet the most demanding environments while continuously measuring latency so end users aren’t affected. Most organizations need a single VM; however, multiple sites or billions of files in a single site may benefit from additional VMs. From a single global interactive dashboard, DataDiscover gives you an understanding of your entire NAS environment. Then, take action on your data - single-click to archive cold data to any Azure tier: Hot, Cool or Archive and spend less on NAS storage.

  • Simple: Download, install, and configure the VM in minutes
  • Fast: Evaluate results in minutes or hours rather than weeks or months
  • Scalable: See all of your NAS storage across multiple locations

VM Deployment

DataDiscover is a VM deployed on-premises interacting with the DataDiscover SaaS service. Configuration only requires an IP address and NAS credentials.


API integration with NetApp, Isilon, Pure Flashblade, and Qumulo simplifies setup and configuration. All other NFS/SMB NAS-based filesystems are supported, including Stornext, GPFS, Lustre, Linux NFS, Gluster, WekaIO, and SoftNAS.

For a free trial, help with your particular environment, or more information, contact us at