Inventurist AI Full


Inventurist AI Full


Inventurist AI automates analysis of companies for inorganic growth, partnership, M&A, & investment.

Inventurist AI automatically and continuously analyzes companies in terms of their value propositions, target customers, product features and pricing, partnerships, revenue models, competition and tens of other dimensions. Inventurist AI brings an unprecedented level of visibility into how a value chain is working from individual companies all the way to the entire business ecosystem. 

Typical users of Inventurist AI are corporate strategy, M&A departments, and business development in large enterprises as well as private equity and investment firms.

Inventurist AI analyzes millions of data points from publicly available sources as well as proprietary and highly curated sources that are provided by 3rd party vendors.

Thanks to unique machine learning algorithms, Inventurist AI gets better over time in terms of accuracy and understanding the specific language used in your industry and your company's ecosystem.

Inventurist AI is offered as a self-service SaaS tool with a pay-per-use pricing model.