josh Protocol!Live
it Consult Srl
josh Protocol!Live
it Consult Srl
josh Protocol!Live
it Consult Srl
josh Protocol!Live - Case Management System
josh Protocol!Live is a case management system we refer to the set of calculation resources, the equipment, the communication networks and the computer procedures used by the PA for document management. In addition to this definition, the reference norm (Italian Presidential Decree 445/2000) gives specific indications regarding whether or not a Case Management system is valid.
josh Protocol!Live is natively integrated with Microsoft SharePoint technology and with the it Consult josh platform; it covers 4 levels of the DigitPA standard (AgID), the Italian agency which sets the standards of all the Public Administration (PA), and its place within the system is that of a fundamental technological solution for starting up – in reality – the modernization process of the PA.
This application is available in Italian, English.