Branch Productivity


Branch Productivity


Branch Productivity maps data on your branch activities for immediately actionable insights.

While digital banking grows, branches remain the critical “last mile” into communities. In increasing competition both locally and online, brick and mortar bank locations have a high hurdle to deliver ROI. While there are clear opportunities to increase revenue, customer satisfaction and competitiveness at the local branch level through advanced technology and data analytics, consumer banks have tended to resist change due to implementation complexity - leaving less competitive branches vulnerable.

Keboola’s Branch Productivity is a non-disruptive way to help Branches begin answering these questions, and test out winning tactics. The app brings data together from various internal and external sources, to dashboard criteria, including User Interaction, Operational Efficiency, and inter-branch comparison benchmarking. Keboola’s preliminary dashboard can stand up rapidly on publicly available data, for immediate insights with minimal disruption, and can grow with you, at your desired pace. As your needs for insight get more sophisticated, the platform does, too.

How it works:

The Branch Productivity Business Data App includes a data model out of the box, and a data transformation and consumption layer visualized either in PowerBI dashboards, or the BI tool of your choice.

To begin deployment of the platform we conduct a data discovery session with your team, to identify critical data sources, and key transformations required to be performed on the data. Recommended data includes user interaction, appointment booking, feedback collection systems, and other interaction data. This enables the Branch to visualize insight regarding operational efficiency; for example, cost structure vs. product activations, by segment and product.

Business Outcomes you Achieve:

  • Complete overview of branch’s performance, along multiple metrics
  • Comparison between branches and versus competitor branches
  • Internal benchmarks, to identify leaders and laggards
  • Social reviews processing tied to products, locations and staff
  • Rapid insights for testing pop-up concepts

Keboola is a data operations platform that enables banks to scale business insights and revenue through automated workflows and experimentation. The powerful platform has helped some of the world's largest companies rapidly transition from ad hoc spreadsheets to centralized access and state-of-the-art data governance, visibility, and control. For more info, visit
