KeenCorp Index


KeenCorp Index


Fully GDPR compliant predictive analytics on human capital preventing stress and risks.

It’s no secret that engaged employees are more motivated, invested and committed. Companies with high employee engagement also have 25-59% lower employee turnover rates than counterparts with low employee engagement. Culture leaders worldwide must rely on employee feedback to support their workforce more than ever during this extended period of remote working. Traditional tools such as annual surveys and pulse methods fail to eliminate conscious and unconscious bias. Without a high survey response rate, you miss hearing numerous voices. So you need an even more accurate and time-effective way to ascertain your employees’ real feelings. 

We meet this need through the KeenCorp Index. It lets you measure your most valuable asset. Simple, efficient and visualized in real-time. The best way to find out what’s really on you employees’ minds.

KeenCorp Index lets you:

  • Detect an employee issue before it becomes unmanageable
  • Identify an opportunity in real-time to improve performance
  • Ask the right question on time