KlayyTech Application Security Assessment
KlayyTech Application Security Assessment
KlayyTech Application Security Assessment
Application Security Assessment
Application security assessment is the process of testing applications to find threats and determining the measures to put in place to defend against them. Through the assessment process, organizations can evaluate the current security posture of their applications and determine the next steps for further protecting their software from future exploits. Most organizations conduct application security assessments on a regular basis to ensure their security measures are up-to-date and effective. For enterprise , SMC & even SMB can use the security solution to security their environment.
How do you conduct an application security assessment?
Conducting an application assessment begins with identifying any potential risks your software or application is exposed to and documenting any previous security incidents or vulnerabilities. From there, you can determine the correct course of action to close any existing security gaps and adequately meet any compliance requirements.
1. Determine potential threat actors
2. Identify sensitive data
3. Application attack surface mapping
4. Evaluate AppSec process pain points
5. Build a security roadmap