Multilingual Social Listening & Analytics

Leading Edge Group Limited

Multilingual Social Listening & Analytics

Leading Edge Group Limited

Multilingual Social Analytics with customizable data source and analysis design

Social Media Monitoring

Social Media is the most effective channel for modern marketers to gain customer insight, engage consumers, improve customer journeys, and improve their marketing. Many customers share their product/service opinion on the social media platform and do product research, discovery, consideration, and brand advocacy on it before purchasing a product.

Social Listening (or called Social Analytics) is very suitable for monitoring and analyzing the marketing campaign feedback, you may do pre-campaign or post-campaign analysis by selecting a different time period, adjust your campaign arrangement before everything is too late!

Our Solution

We offer a multilingual* (English, Chinese & Cantonese) Social Listening & Analytics subscription service that with the customizable data source (e.g. mainstream Social Media, Local Blog/Forums, News, Industry Websites, etc.), it has an advanced report dashboard using advanced text mining technique with AI & Machine Learning enhanced, suitable for market research, brand analysis, campaign analysis, competitor analysis, crisis monitoring & alert, etc.

*Please contact us if you have other special requests

Our Uniqueness
  • Multilingual support for both Content & Analysis
  • Customizable Data Source and Report Dashboard Design for satisfying different user requirements
  • Advanced Text Mining, supports Auto Topic Categorization

Pricing Model

A monthly subscription-based service.