PositivityTech® Algorithms |

Marcia Tal

PositivityTech® Algorithms |

Marcia Tal

AI-powered predictive algorithms enable deeper understanding of customer frustrations and risks

We find the hidden opportunities in your customers’ complaints.

Combining AI-powered predictive insights and human expertise, the PositivityTech® Platform uses customer narrative data and identifies and resolves company policies and practices that lead to high-risk complaints.

PositivityTech® directly addresses key drivers of business risk, breaking down complaint language by parsing components in a sophisticated, easy-to-use, fully scalable solution.

The PositivityTech® intelligent platform’s Algorithms reveal potential environmental risks to drive preemptive management actions.

  • Severity Score: A proprietary domain-specific algorithm and lexicon that identifies severe complaints and future risk based on customer narratives.
  • Sentiment Score: An open-sourced algorithm and lexicon that identifies sentiments expressed in customer narratives.
  • Categorization: Consistent and multifaceted grouping of customer complaints provides insights to identify relevant resolutions across all customer touchpoints, from digital to in-person.
  • Bias Index: A tool that identifies prejudice within customer and employee complaints and makes it possible to prevent systemic discrimination.
    • Using PositivityTech®’s AI-powered Bias Index, we’ve explored millions of customer complaints and discovered three types of biases — small in number, yet vital to find and prevent.
      • Explicit bias: The customer uses words that indicate they experienced bias.
      • Implicit bias: The customer uses contextual references that imply bias.
      • Suggested bias: The customer describes situations that hint at bias.
  • Triggers: Algorithms that reveal leading indicators of environmental risks, pinpoint timely issues that may require preemptive management actions.
  • Debt Collection Model: Predicts likelihood of non-payment of debts owed.

Our algorithms isolate high-risk customer interactions and help you prioritize where action will matter most.

Your customer’s voice is your most valuable asset.

Customers tell you what you need to know. Are you listening?

Transform negatives into positives with PositivityTech®, and ensure that complaints become a critical part of your success.