Supply Chain Transformation

Mavim B.V.

Supply Chain Transformation

Mavim B.V.

Connect suppliers, carriers, producers, and customers – in context

In recent years, there’s been a change in supply chain thinking. Lean can mean brittle; lowest cost can mean broken ESG promises. So today’s supply chain isn’t fixed but flexible. Its goal isn’t to settle into a static state, but to change and adapt with market conditions, streamlining every process and optimizing every interaction across multiple success factors. To constantly evolve. To constantly improve.

This is how your supply chain stays reactive to customer needs – and protected from economic shocks. But it goes one step further. By seeing your supply chain in its totality – from the most basic materials suppliers to the final sales interaction – you gain insight into what matters above all: the customer experience.

Customers don’t see your supply chain. But they do see its results. Service quality, lead times, production volumes, how fast you can get innovations off the desk into the market: all matter. And when you model the processes of your supply chain with an eye on their experience, you achieve true customer centricity.

Mavim can help you transform your supply chain for the modern world – by transforming the way you manage it. Here’s how.

Your supply chain as Digital Twin

Mavim shows you your operation end-to-end: not a static sketch, but an active representation of what’s happening, connected to live data from your databases and applications. That’s important, because it lets you see how separate processes come together as your Big Picture – a Digital Twin of your supply chain, with every process mapped and every interaction evident. Ready to go to work.

  • See an end-to-end, bird’s-eye-view of your supply chain
  • Drill down into individual processes to see problem areas
  • View and share the model with stakeholders
  • Perform What-If scenarios to define improvements before rollout

Integrated with your operations

No supply chain operates in a vacuum: it’s connected to other processes in finance, administration, sales, marketing, production and more. By seeing your external supply chain in context with the internal processes that make it work, you can make it work … better.

  • See the impact of supply chain changes on other processes
  • Harmonize disparate or duplicated supply chains for efficiency
  • Compare and contrast equivalent processes to find the one best way

Created in software you know

Visio. SharePoint. PowerBI. Mavim isn’t some new platform with a learning curve; it works with the apps you use today – and it’s visual, too. Workflows across the organization makes sense to the eye – and to the mind, in applications your people already know. It makes it easier to communicate what’s happening – both to your supply chain colleagues and those outside.

  • Common and standard applications with prebuilt templates
  • Standard graphical elements make visualizations meaningful
  • Ease-of-use means energy and resources means no learning curve

With metrics on performance

Delivery delays, service stoppages, resource hogs: all affect the customer experience downstream. See where they are – and fight them. Monitoring each process and relating the numbers to KPIs gives both insight into further improvement, and triggers action if the result isn’t optimal. Best of all, with Mavim for SC you can model the impact of a change in the supply web ahead of time.

  • Monitor key supply chain metrics against agreed KPIs
  • See where drag and friction are slowing improvement
  • Receive alerts when performance indicators are breached
  • See the source of non-conforming behavior