Cognitive Services


Cognitive Services


Cognitive Services lets you build apps with powerful algorithms using just a few lines of code. They work across devices and platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows, improve constantly, and are easy for any developer to set up.

Cognitive Services is currently in GA.

Cognitive Services is a collection of APIs that enable natural and contextual interaction with tools that augment users' experiences via the power of machine learnt models from Microsoft.

With Cognitive Services you can tap into an ever-growing collection of powerful AI algorithms developed by experts in their fields-APIs including Computer Vision, Emotion and Face APIs. They simplify a variety of AI-based tasks, giving you a quick way to extract insights from data.

These APIs integrate into whatever language and platform you prefer. The APIs are constantly improving, learning, and getting smarter, so experiences are always up to date.

Supplemental Agreement to 21Vianet Online Services Standard Agreement for Azure

(Specific Terms Applicable to Cognitive Services)

In addition to the 21Vianet Online Services Standard Agreement ("OSSA") entered into between you and Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. ("21Vianet" or "we"), this Supplemental Agreement to 21Vianet Online Services Standard Agreement for Azure ("Supplemental Agreement") specifically applies to your use of Cognitive Services.

1. Definitions

"Cognitive Services" means one or more of the services and features identified at Service Components below:

- Computer Vision API;
- Face API;
- Emotion API (Preview).

2. Cognitive Services Data Retention

Unless stated in documentation for a service, Cognitive Services are not designed to store Customer Data on Customer's behalf.

3. Attribution

When using the Cognitive Services (other than Bing Search APIs), you will provide reasonably prominent attribution. The attribution should read "powered by Microsoft Cognitive Services" and include a hyperlink to

4. Compliance with Laws

We will comply with all laws applicable to our provision of the Services, but not including any laws applicable to you or your industry that are not generally applicable to information technology services providers. You will comply with all laws applicable to your Customer Solution, Customer Data, and use of the Services and other relevant compliance requirements stipulated in OSSA.

5. Legal Effect of this Supplemental Agreement

If the terms of this Supplemental Agreement conflict with the terms of OSSA, the terms of this Supplemental Agreement shall govern in terms of Cognitive Services. The OSSA remains unmodified and in full force and effect except as expressly amended and supplemented by this Supplemental Agreement.