Web App + SQL


Web App + SQL


Enjoy secure and flexible development, deployment, and scaling options for your web app plus a SQL database.

Create and deploy web sites in seconds, as powerful as you need them

Leverage your existing tools to create and deploy applications without the hassle of managing infrastructure. Microsoft Azure Web Sites offers secure and flexible development, deployment, and scaling options for any sized web application. Use frameworks and templates to create web sites in seconds. Choose from source control options like TFS, GitHub, and BitBucket. Use any tool or OS to develop your site with .NET, PHP, Node.js or Python.

Use this Azure template to create a Website and Azure SQL Database together to start developing even faster.

  • Fastest way to build for the cloud
  • Provision and deploy fast
  • Secure platform that scales automatically
  • Great experience for Visual Studio developers
  • Open and flexible for everyone
  • Monitor, alert, and auto scale (preview)