
NIIT Technologies Limited


NIIT Technologies Limited

One Solution that fits all procurement needs


Today the business environment is becoming increasingly complex; sourcing, spend management and demand-supply equations are constantly under stress and management scrutiny. Organizations are challenged to deliver more with limited resources, improve productivity and sustain desired levels of transparency. How to solve this? The key is an integrated system that provides a seamless bridge between buying and selling organizations.


About the solution:

ProcureEasy is a web-enabled, integrated one-stop electronic procurement platform that provides a convenient channel for interaction with suppliers for procurement activities. ProcureEasy transforms the manufacturing and distribution industry by making procurement a simpler, faster, transparent and efficient process. It facilitates a full cycle solution from planning to buying, delivery to collection and receipt to payment release for the procurement process, all in a transparent and secure environment.


Industry Focus: Manufacturing & Distribution


Some of the key feature:

  • Our e-sourcing platform results in reduced purchasing cost.
  • Improves purchasing process efficiency with the aid of customizable purchasing functionalities.
  • Empower suppliers to compete in a fair and trusted environment
  • Clear visibility of spend helps in making critical decision.
  • Reduces the level of inventory to be maintained


Business Users: CPO/Procurement Manager/CFO