ORHub Surgical Spotlight

ORHub Inc.

ORHub Surgical Spotlight

ORHub Inc.

We Illuminate the Business of Surgery with Surgical Spotlight

ORHub’s Surgical Spotlight is a cloud-based analytics tool that helps administrators, nurse leaders to improve patient care and the profitability of health systems, hospitals, and ambulatory surgery centers. Our modular applications empower data-driven decision making for healthcare providers.

The Spotlight products exist to enable healthcare providers by providing greater insight into how their services run. With better tools for decision making, providers can trust the changes they make to process, structure, rooms, etc, will be the right one and will create the greatest returns.

By taking simple data feeds from the hospital’s Operating Room Information System, ORHub produces a functional yet elegant dashboard that allows users to easily identify opportunities for improvement.

Key Performance Indicators - To get the right outcome, you need the right starting point. ORHub Surgical Spotlight focuses on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) including Volume, Room Turnover, Surgeon Turnover, Cancellations, Overlapping Surgery, Schedule Accuracy, Staff and Block Utilization, Cost Per Case.

Dashboards - Visualizing your data in one succinct location is critical to understand how your organization is run, and where it can improve. ORHub provides critical dashboards to show you what you need to know at a glance. Drill down, deep insights are also available.

Reporting - All this information means nothing if it’s not available when you need it. Surgical Spotlight provides the following automated reports to empower key stake holders: Daily Surgical Receipts, weekly Facility Reports, Monthly Service Line Scorecards, Quarterly Executive Updates.

Affordable Easy to Use Services - At ORHub we make it easy to get started. All our Spotlight products are pay per use. Once you’re up and running, you’ll only pay per case, plus a small annual licensing fee.