Pivotal GemFire for Azure Version 1.0

Pivotal Software Inc

Pivotal GemFire for Azure Version 1.0

Pivotal Software Inc

Pivotal GemFire provides low-latency, in-memory access to large volumes of operational data spread across horizontally scalable nodes in a cluster, or across multiple clusters in different data centers.

Pivotal GemFire is a commercial in-memory data grid powered by Apache Geode. GemFire provides low-latency, highly concurrent, in-memory access to tens of terabytes of operational data spread across a cluster, or multiple clusters of nodes in different data centers, using a horizontally scalable, "shared nothing" architecture. GemFire ensures data consistency both within and across clusters (data centers). GemFire's event driven architecture is a good fit for microservices based applications because changes to data in one microservice can be published to any number of subscribing microservices.

Pivotal GemFire solves many use cases through a variety of different configuration and implementation solutions. This offering, however, is a basic implementation of Pivotal GemFire designed for Dev/Test workloads and for getting to know the product. Therefore, this offering is not intended for Production workloads.


  • After Gemfire is deployed, use the Azure Marketplace Portal to find the DNS names and IP addresses of your servers.
  • When you login to your Gemfire Cluster, the Message of the Day (motd) will be displayed. Please read that information for more details about your Azure GemFire deployment.
  • Refer to the "Useful Links" section below to learn more about GemFire.