Pivotal GemFire for Azure Version 1.0
Pivotal Software Inc
Pivotal GemFire for Azure Version 1.0
Pivotal Software Inc
Pivotal GemFire for Azure Version 1.0
Pivotal Software Inc
Pivotal GemFire provides low-latency, in-memory access to large volumes of operational data spread across horizontally scalable nodes in a cluster, or across multiple clusters in different data centers.
Pivotal GemFire is a commercial in-memory data grid powered by Apache Geode. GemFire provides low-latency, highly concurrent, in-memory access to tens of terabytes of operational data spread across a cluster, or multiple clusters of nodes in different data centers, using a horizontally scalable, "shared nothing" architecture. GemFire ensures data consistency both within and across clusters (data centers). GemFire's event driven architecture is a good fit for microservices based applications because changes to data in one microservice can be published to any number of subscribing microservices.
Pivotal GemFire solves many use cases through a variety of different configuration and implementation solutions. This offering, however, is a basic implementation of Pivotal GemFire designed for Dev/Test workloads and for getting to know the product. Therefore, this offering is not intended for Production workloads.
- After Gemfire is deployed, use the Azure Marketplace Portal to find the DNS names and IP addresses of your servers.
- When you login to your Gemfire Cluster, the Message of the Day (motd) will be displayed. Please read that information for more details about your Azure GemFire deployment.
- Refer to the "Useful Links" section below to learn more about GemFire.