Customer KYC Validation Product - Entitymatch
Posidex Technologies P Ltd
Customer KYC Validation Product - Entitymatch
Posidex Technologies P Ltd
Customer KYC Validation Product - Entitymatch
Posidex Technologies P Ltd
Customer Demographic or KYC Info matching in Real-time - Extremely useful for BFSI Sector
Customer-facing organizations seek KYC details from prospective customers in the process of onboarding them as Customers. KYC details can be either proof of Id and/ or proof of address and such sources would be PAN, Voters Id, Aadhaar etc.
The organization is required to match name, other details viz. address, contact details etc and validate the KYC information provided by prospects or customers against the info if the Organization is already having. This is often a multistep and manual process leading to human errors which may lead to business risk if not done correctly.
EntityMatch allows to automatically verify KYC info already available vis a vis the details furnished by the customer. This would simplify and fasten the customer onboarding process. All the Customer Onboarding and Interfacing Systems can integrate on real-time basis with the EntityMatch Cloud Service and validate the details of the customer.
a) Powerful Entity Resolution engine supporting matching of several parameters with implicitly, handling data quality issues to handle many possible variations in the demographics.
b) Higher degree of control on matching - string matching
c) Power to users - Parameter setting and match tolerance.
d) In-memory processing and inbuilt analytics to deliver results with High Precision
e) Cloud Solution with variety of subscription plans with Lower TCO