Relogix Workspace Analytics Platform


Relogix Workspace Analytics Platform


Relogix Workspace Analytics Platform & Sensors - We are your workspace utilization experts

For organizations who need to make data driven decisions and inform their real estate strategy, workspace optimization and their transition to a flexible work environment. Relogix is a sensor-as-a-service workspace analytics company that rapidly provides highly accurate data without the need for IT or Trades. Unlike other sensor companies, our ease of deployment, data accuracy and depth of experience is market proven with brand name customers who continue to transform their global real estate portfolios. The world’s top CRE organizations depend on our workspace analytics platform to help them evolve their global real estate portfolio with confidence. Relogix sensor-as-a-service, workspace analytics platform includes small, battery powered, wireless sensor devices that are placed under desks or on ceilings using peel-and-stick adhesive strips. Heat and motion sensing combine with cloud-based algorithms produce highly accurate information about workspace utilization.. This data is transmitted to the Relogix cloud via private cellular network. Powerful data visualizations are accessed online in real time or can be integrated through open APIs.