Supply Chain Optimization by River Logic

River Logic

Supply Chain Optimization by River Logic

River Logic

Advanced analytics empower users to optimally balance complex trade-offs across their supply chain.

Supply chains are growing more complex as consumer behaviors continue to rapidly shift. The need for companies to be agile and responsive without sacrificing performance is greater than ever, and companies who fail to adjust their processes will quickly fall behind the competition. Some companies might fail to shift production in response to market shifts. Others might lack visibility into how they can optimally balance competing objectives, like lowering logistics costs, pre-building inventory, re-allocating production, or increasing shift hours. Or perhaps they’re relying on heuristics-based approaches or complicated excel models that output sub-optimal, “best fit” plans.

Whatever the symptom, River Logic’s Supply Chain Optimization solution is here to make sure its customers have full visibility into the impact of their plans, so they can rest assured knowing their goals are being met and their limitations are accounted for. Within 4 weeks of implementing River Logic, its customers are able to:

· Optimally balance multiple competing objectives across business functions, such as lowering costs, improving service levels, boosting margins, and right-sizing inventory
· Use rapid scenario analysis to respond to unforeseen changes, like natural disasters or new market share opportunities, without sacrificing key performance objectives
· Spend less time wrangling spreadsheets and data and more time exploring the answers to new questions
· Leverage one validated source of truth to build accountability and trust among business functions Instantly understand the value or cost of your decisions in order to find ways to better use existing resources within the unique constraints of your business

Built for the cloud on Microsoft Azure, River Logic is the first to make optimization-backed scenario analysis part of the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly planning process. PowerBI allows planners, analysts, and executives to drill into the details of each scenario and understand the true drivers of their business.

A key differentiator of River Logic’s solution is its integrated financial and operational modeling. It gives users an out-of-the-box representation of financials as they’re incurred by the business. It also gives businesses the ability to represent their end-to-end value chain when creating plans, including transportation capacities, warehouse capacity, procurement contracts, regulatory constraints, and more. With an AI Expert system that requires no code, even a non-data scientist can create and optimize a digital twin of his/her business that represents even the most unique constraints, objectives, and processes. And your IT budget will love it, because easily extendable optimization models minimize the amount of effort and IT investment required to address new problems within or outside of a company’s supply chain.