SGA Cloud Consulting for investment Optimization

SGA Tecnologia Inteligente

SGA Cloud Consulting for investment Optimization

SGA Tecnologia Inteligente

The SMFC is the first platform in Brazil that manages cloud 100% focused on Azure

This application is available in portuguese.

The SMFC is the first platform in Brazil that manages cloud 100% focused on Azure. It displays clearly the current consumption and the planned consumption of the year.

Would you like to monitor your azure environment on a daily basis? Is it important to keep a compliance management, comparing planned budget with the actual cost? SGA provides a monitoring tool for azure platform; exclusive dashboards allows fast problem identifications at the environment and tracking other resources usages for a better sizing.

“We get the amount of Core's, memory, disk space and see if what we reserve and allocate for our services is really what we operate. This we monitor and monitor, even for the need of our own business. ”- Manuel Landeiro, IT Superintendent of Patrus Transportes.

The Solution allows:

. Management and Monitoring Costs on


. Identify potential for investment optimization, . Present trimestral reports with best practices regarding security, performance and costs.