Space Managed Express Route Service

Space Hellas SA

Space Managed Express Route Service

Space Hellas SA

A Managed Service delivering a private, dedicated connectivity to Azure through Space Hellas private core network in Greece, Cyprus and Malta.

ExpressRoute allows an Enterprise to extend its own business reachability into the Microsoft cloud over dedicated private connectivity. Connections range vary from layer-3 MPLS to private Ethernet (layer 2) services. With ExpressRoute, the core benefit include access to cloud based services over private QoS (Quality of Service) enabled secure circuits. The result is secure and reliable connections using optimum path forwarding for service guaranteed performance (SLA).
Space Hellas has implemented and is currently expanding its core (private) network that can provide ExpressRoute connections in Greece, Cyprus and Malta.

SPACE Managed Service for Express Route includes the following features and services:
  • Local Loops from all available national operators
  • Backbone network designed for high availability
  • Support for all ExpressRoute topologies (Layer-2 / Layer-3)
  • Support for custom Network requirements as per customer individual needs (tailor-made services)
  • The connectivity between Space Hellas PoPs and the Azure PoP is 1:1 and availability varies between 99.50% to 99.99% depending on the chosen service
  • Space Hellas is interconnected with Microsoft cloud using dual PE routers
  • The average expected round-trip delay (RTD) is guaranteed at <55ms (Greece)
  • Turn-key solution. Space Hellas provides integration services in its standard offering:
    • Network assessment & consulting services regarding the WAN client connection with Azure
    • Customer WAN router configuration service for ExpressRoute circuit operation
  • 24x7 service monitoring form Space Hellas’ NOC and SoC
  • Customized Billing