
Trust Elevate Ltd


Trust Elevate Ltd

Verifies All Identities, All Ages, All Parents, on Any Service - One Solution.

TrustElevate Verifies All Identities, Ages, and All Parents on Any Services with a Single Solution.

TrustElevate is a leading CaaS (Compliance as a Service) platform that provides online age verification and child protection tools for businesses.

TrustElevate empowers businesses to create an "age-aware, consent-driven internet."

We are the only secure, accurate, and privacy-preserving provider of age verification for all age groups, including children (VA). Our unique solution enables you to obtain verifiable parental consent for children, from the verified holder of parental responsibilty for a child (VPR), ensuring that you are operating in compliance with data privacy regulations and protecting young users.

Why Choose TrustElevate?

Unparalleled Age Verification and the Highest Level of Assurance Parental Consent Management (as defined by the VPC Alliance): TrustElevate is the only company globally that verifies an assertion of parental responsibility for a child, enabling verified parents to grant permission to data processing on behalf of their young children. Other companies claim to provide verifiable parental consent, but they do not verify parental responsibility for a child, and therefore can only provide businesses with very low or zero assurance that the consent is obtained from a parent or guardian. TrustElevate verifies parental responsibility for a child against authoritative data sources, giving you the certainty that you are meeting your regulatory requirements.

Enhanced Parental Tools: We facilitate safe, verified, and therefore compliant digital parenting opportunities that build transparency and accountability into the digital ecosystem, enabling companies to meet compliance requirements with respect to their family offerings.

Comprehensive Compliance: TrustElev8 Web SDK is a RegTech B2B solution that enables compliance with regulations such as GDPR, PSD2, AVMSD, DSA, KYC/AML, US COPPA, the ICO Children's Code, and the Online Safety Acts in UK, IE, and soon EU and US.

Key Features:

  • Seamless Identity and Age Verification: Verify identities and ages across all age bands, from children to adults, with our plug-and-play solutions.
  • Consent Management and Contract Authorization: Obtain verified parental consent (VPC) and manage user consent preferences through our easy-to-use consent dashboard.
  • Robust KYC for Adults: Ensure KYC compliance for adult users through NFC scans of ID documents, liveness checks, and fraud-proof identity checks.
  • Flexible Integration: Integrate TrustElevate into your existing systems using API, iframe, or alternative integration options.
  • Customizable Solutions: Tailor our solutions to your specific business requirements with customized design, setup, and ongoing technical support.

Benefits of TrustElevate:

  • Compliance Assurance: Comply with existing and stay ahead of evolving regulations and protect yourself from regulatory fines.
  • Enhanced User Protection: Safeguard young users from inappropriate content, contact and services.
  • Boosted Consumer Trust: Build trust with users by demonstrating your commitment to data privacy and responsible digital practices.
  • Market Share Protection: Protect your revenue and market share by ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.

Ready to Protect and Empower Your Business and your Customers with TrustElevate?

Contact us today for our guide on age verification and parental consent and learn more about how we can help you create a safer, more compliant, and user-friendly online experience.

Demo video: