Linux 7.9 with Firebird 3.0.7
Virtual Pulse S. R. O.
Linux 7.9 with Firebird 3.0.7
Virtual Pulse S. R. O.
Linux 7.9 with Firebird 3.0.7
Virtual Pulse S. R. O.
Firebird is a robust, dense management system for relational databases.
Linux 7.9 with Firebird 3.0.7
Firebird is a full-featured and powerful database management system. The primary goals for Firebird 3.0 were to unify the server architecture and to improve support for SMP and multiple-core hardware platforms. Parallel objectives were to improve the threading of engine processes and the options for sharing page cache across thread and connection boundaries.
Alongside these aims came new strategies to improve performance, query optimization, monitoring, and scalability and to address the demand for more security options. A number of popular features were introduced into the SQL language, including the long-awaited support for the Boolean data type and the associated logical predications.
Firebird Features:
- Dozens of third-party tools, including GUI administrative tools, replication tools, etc.
- Careful writes – fast recovery, no need for transaction logs!
- Many ways to access your database: native/API, dbExpress drivers, ODBC, OLEDB, .Net provider, JDBC native type 4 driver, Python module, PHP, Perl, etc.
- Support for External (UDFs) and Internal Functions
- Little or no need for specialized DBAs
- Almost no configuration needed – just install and start using!
- Referential Integrity
- Multi Generational Architecture
- Very small footprint
Virtual Pulse is glad to provide you with this specially hardened Image of Linux 7.9 with Firebird 3.0.7, carefully pre-configured for perfect Azure performance. Make a few clicks and deploy your own Firebird!
Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of the products mentioned above. Firebird is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.