xMentium Language Intelligence for Investor Relations

xMentium Inc.

xMentium Language Intelligence for Investor Relations

xMentium Inc.

Transform IR reporting w/ AI precision; showcase data-driven excellence to your investment community

Lead the Way in AI-Driven Investor Relations

IR professionals handle vast amounts of internal and external information, often manually. xMentium, together with Microsoft OpenAI, offers a secure and reliable solution to streamline your IR communications. By automating and managing this essential information, xMentium assists in your message consistency while helping your team stay on top of key updates. Our AI-driven platform empowers IR teams to deliver quick, visible results that align with C-suite objectives and further, demonstrate cutting-edge AI capabilities to your investment community.

Take Control of YOUR APPROVED Language

Simply put, GenAI alone cannot deliver the precision and context your business requires. xMentium can. By integrating an LLM's language fluency with our AI-powered, clause-based knowledge graph, we ensure that your Investor Relations language is accurate, consistent with past reporting and across document types, auditable, and fully aligned with corporate standards. Start with your approved language, then evolve it with GenAI for IR content that meets your highest company standards.

By doing so, you will:

  • Enhance Earnings Intelligence
    • Browse, research, and combine past disclosures and reports with current business conditions for accurate consistent messaging
  • Strengthen Communication Strategy
    • Align your messages with current business realities, market conditions, and competitor statements to communicate effectively to the public
  • Automate IR Document Creation
    • Shorten the time to generate and refresh drafts
    • Automate consistency checks across reporting periods and IR document types
    • Retrieve and analyze information with customizable prompts

If you want to... ______________________ You need to...

Boost your multiple ___________________ Ensure quality, data-driven communication

Accelerate IR document creation _____ Author with language guidance & snippets

Manage communication risk _________ Consistency check across documents

Get cross-document consistency _____ Use a knowledge graph of linked snippets

Handle document complexity ________ Utilize a hub of sharable language

Deliver smart, accurate messaging ___ Analyze information with AI prompts

Implement GPT/LLMs ________________ Use clean, modular, enriched language data

Explore LLMs _________________________ Employ prompt management & LLM options

Create an IR System Grounded in Public Market & Private Documents in a Day

xMentium AI IR implementation is supported by experts with decades of experience in IR, legal and contracting, business leadership and AI.

1. Identify & Ingest Documents
  • Industry, analyst and competitive
  • Company financials and operations
  • Prior FAQs and IR scripts
  • External peer and analyst reports
2. Map and Tag with a Flexible Taxonomy
  • Business questions: industry, competition, financials, market, analyst
  • Key topics, sources, business functions
3. Organize & Research Documents
  • Use a Discovery Grid to analyze business, competition and analyst views
  • Enrich documents with tags
4. Out-of-the-Box & Custom Prompts
  • High-Level Business Prompts: analyze sentiment, propose transformation, evaluate speaker performance, revise language, assess peer/analyst data
  • Detailed Script & FAQ Prompts: summarize paragraphs, draft snippets, compare FAQ & script language
5. Prepare IR FAQs
  • Predict Macro FAQs: economic trends, industry insights, strategy, investments, product, financials
  • Predict Operational FAQs: strategy, finances, sales, partnerships, products, customer updates
  • Ensure consistency across documents and reporting periods
  • Adjust tone for the C-suite
6. Prepare IR Script
  • Follow the same workflow as FAQs
7. Prepare Other IR Reports
  • Repurpose documents for internal employee and external marcom

Showcase AI Leadership

Be the lead example for your company to implement AI for other use cases with xMentium Language Intelligence, e.g.:

  • Contract Insights: Unlock the rights & obligations hidden in contracts
  • Dealmaking: Streamline negotiations
  • Treasury Services: Speed up contract capture for corporate lenders
  • RFP Optimization: Accelerate business opportunities
  • SOPs and Compliance: Manage thousands of language snippets across your global documents