Application Modernization: 2-week Assessment


The Application Modernization Assessment combines empirical best-of-breed code scanning tools with an expert review of your application landscape

The Application Modernization Assessment assists customers in identifying and prioritizing applications for modernization to Azure, thereby enhancing business agility and streamlining processes to meet current and future business objectives. Applications are evaluated from both a business and architectural perspective to provide customers with cost consumption estimates, reference architecture design, and a modernization plan.

The assessment process captures information critical to the assessment output via modern discovery tools from UnifyCloud, CAST, and more. The information is then analyzed by an expert Cloud Application Architect, who combines this into a hands-on, action-packed roadmap. This deliverable is the Final Assessment Report, which summarizes the process and findings and makes key next steps recommendations. Each project recommendation should clearly articulate the value proposition for undertaking the project.

Application Modernization: 2-week Assessment
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