Azure App MVP Development: 10 Week Implementation

Ascendle Technology, LLC

This offer is to provide a custom software development team to build a small MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in 10 weeks (4 weeks' strategy + 3 two week production sprints)

Leading companies need reliable development of high-quality software to remain competitive, and they often need it faster than internal resources can support. Ascendle drives your business goals through rapid design, development, and delivery of world-class web applications, mobile apps, and cloud platforms.

Why does our process work? Because it’s based on over 35 years of hard-won software development experience. We’ve cracked the code on how to design and build bulletproof applications in a reliable and predictable fashion. We’re so confident in our ability to perform, we guarantee results.

If we don’t deliver business value, it’s free.

The MVP Development Package

In 10 weeks we’ll transform your idea into working software. This package includes:

  • 4-week strategy phase. We’ll work with your stakeholders to define your application's roles and features. We’ll also create a detailed software development plan including a schedule estimate to complete all of your desired functionality. Finally, we’ll prepare the Azure test and demo environments, application framework, and Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines.
  • 3 two-week production sprints. We’ll spin up a full development team to transform the highest priority user stories into working code to create a basic MVP. You’ll see a demonstration every two weeks. The team can continue as long as you’d like beyond the initial three sprints to complete additional functionality.

During each sprint, your Ascendle development team will:

  • Code the highest priority features, including writing automated unit tests
  • Write and execute detailed acceptance tests
  • Deploy the working code to an Azure demo environment for your use
  • Demonstrate new, completed features during a sprint review with your stakeholders every two weeks
  • Adjust priorities for the next sprint based on your feedback

Typical Development Technologies

  • Angular or React
  • .NET Core
  • Xamarin for native mobile apps