Empower Your Legacy Systems with Azure: Transformative Consulting Services


Move your legacy application to the cloud and propel your digital transformation expedition

Reengineer Your Existing Legacy Application and Migrate to Microsoft Platforms

Are your legacy systems hindering your ability to stay competitive in the market? Do they impede growth and deliver subpar experiences to your customers or employees? Our Azure-centric consulting services are designed to elevate your business by modernizing legacy applications through a seamless transition to a dynamic, modular microservices infrastructure powered by Microsoft Azure.

Begin Your App Modernization Journey with Azure

As your business evolves, so should your IT systems and applications. They must be agile, dynamic, and contemporary to meet rigorous business demands. Leveraging Microsoft Azure, we provide a comprehensive app modernization implementation roadmap. Whether you're looking to modernize your application with minimal code changes or re-host it in the cloud, our Azure expertise is your key to unlocking new potentials.

Phase 1: Azure-Driven Assessment & Planning

Our initial phase focuses on leveraging our proprietary assessment tool hosted in Azure to assess the current state of your application. We discover, validate, and analyze your code to evaluate application readiness for Azure's ecosystem. This assessment includes examining the complex business logic to ensure compatibility and optimization with Azure services. Our actionable insights and Azure-focused design will guide the cost and timeline estimations, providing a clear roadmap for implementation.

Phase 2: Implementation & Deployment on Azure

Tailoring the infrastructure to your business needs, we confirm requirements with stakeholders through detailed wireframes and visuals. Our development process encompasses using a proprietary infrastructure tool hosted in Azure to create the entire cloud infrastructure. This approach guarantees a modernized application running seamlessly in the cloud, adhering to organizational standards and maximizing Azure's capabilities.

Deliverables Powered by Azure

  • Automated infrastructure setup.
  • Fast, efficient migration with minimal disruption.
  • A pilot solution incorporating Azure's technical design principles for development and deployment.
  • Comprehensive sanity checks within the Azure environment for error-free deployment.
  • A bug-free process, with any issues swiftly addressed using Azure's diagnostic tools.

Note: Cost and time estimations may vary based on your business requirements and application complexity.

Offer Description:

Our consulting services provide professional expertise to help you get started with or extend your use of Microsoft Azure. Our services support you in leveraging Microsoft Azure to achieve your business goals efficiently and securely.

By partnering with AVASOFT for migration services, your organization can modernize applications, enhance functionality, and ensure a smooth transition to robust Microsoft platforms, ultimately boosting productivity and performance.
