Cloudhouse Containers: 10 Day Migration Service


Cloudhouse offer a discover, assess, and migrate project to help their customers move incompatible applications to the cloud using their Compatibility Containers for Server 2003 / 2008 applications.

Cloudhouse offer migration services to help businesses prepare to move an application to the cloud, combined with packaging expertise to deliver a successful migration project - even when source media is unavailable.

The service is for technical and business leaders and will be delivered using a mix of on-site, and webinars.


Discovery Phase

  • includes an overview of the Container technology, identifying the application, and the business’ motivations behind its move to the cloud. Explain the discovery process, and provide you with the documents and tools.

Assessment Phase

  • The customer will be required to demonstrate the application to the consulting team, who will finalize the discovery documents and agree the User Acceptance Test (UAT) plan.

Migration and Acceptance

  • The consulting team will then package the n-tier application into a Cloudhouse Container and deploy it to the target server for UAT.


Successful Assessment Phase require customers to provide Cloudhouse the following;

  • Completed discovery documents.

  • A Window Server 2003/ 2008 image, install media, and a demo of the application being installed and working successfully.

  • Or if the media is unavailable, a clone of the server, and a demo of the application working.

  • Commitment for the resources required during the UAT testing phase.


Software license costs are fixed for a single app per server, they do not vary according to application’s complexity. Consultancy pricing is fixed but will depend upon the application’s graded complexity determined during the assessment phase (refer to pricing guidelines document for details).

Applications are graded for fixed price delivery at $1,250 / day, or equivalent currency

Single application licensed per server at $2,250 per year, minimum 12 month subscription

Grade 1

  • One app is priced at 5 days

Grade 2

  • One app is priced at 7.5 days

Grade 3

  • One app is priced at 10 days