Windows & SQL Server Migration: 4WK-Assessment

Devoteam Alegri GmbH

With cost savings and efficiency top of mind, migrating to Windows Server and SQL-Server on Azure provides customers the most cost-effective, frictionless way to move to the cloud.

The End of Life of your Windows or SQL-Server is nearby? Your Extended Support will end soon?**

You want to migrate to the cloud but maintain operating system control and complete SQL-Server functionality? You want to migrate to the cloud, remove management overhead, but need instance-scoped features (Service Broker, SQL-Server Agent, CLR…)?

Devoteam will support you by modernizing your processes & help to stay relevant by using Windows Server and Azure SQL Server to ensure data security, optimize operational processes and improve profitability. 

What do you get?

Step 1: Data & Infrastructure Migration Assessment

  • Planning
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Overview & Report Presentation

Optional Step 2: Set Up Azure Infrastructure 

  • Conceptualization
  • Setup Azure Foundation
  • Additional or new Governance  rules
  • DImplementation & Documentation

Optional Step 3: Migrate & Finalize

  • Migration in waves  and Testing 
  • Training Data Analysts, IT-Administrators & Handover
  • Documentation
  • Definition of Next Steps or Handover

 *Price can vary depending on scope and optional steps **Are you aware that the SQL-Server 2012 Extended Support will end on July 12, 2022?