Well Architected Review - 2 week Assessment


Fujitsu’s Well-Architected Review Assessment will assist you to build optimised, high performing workloads based on proven best practices.

Fujitsu’s Well-Architected Review Assessment will accelerate your Azure Cloud adoption and maximize your organization's potential in the cloud. The Well-Architected Review Assessment provides a structured approach to build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure, validated against industry best practices based on the Microsoft five pillars of architecture excellence:

  • Cost Optimization is to remove or avoid unnecessary costs,
  • Operational Excellence to deliver business value and continually improve,
  • Performance Efficiency for resources that are cost effective and scalable,
  • Reliability to reduce disruption and to build resiliency within an environment,
  • Security of systems, assets and information.

Fujitsu’s Well-Architected Review Assessment can help you to identify where to:

  • Make cost savings,
  • Improve security and reduce risks,
  • Improve reliability and performance of workloads,
  • Make operational efficiencies and improve service delivery.
The review process is illustrated by the diagram on the right.

A final report will be created, which will cover:

  • Assessment work completed,
  • Key findings and recommendations,
  • Action plan.

*The offer is free for the limited period.
