Data Analysis 2 Insights: Prof Service 5 wk Imp

Rysun Labs (formally Krish Compusoft Services)

5 week consultation service to help you understand & leverage the power of Azure Cloud and implement a Cloud Data strategy.

Objective: To assist our clients in Enabling data convergence by breaking down data & application silos and simplifying data lifecycle for insights-driven business transformation.

How we do it:

  • Understanding the data silos
  • Ingesting data into data storage / warehouse
  • Analyze the data (ETL)
  • Present data into powerful visual

Tools / Components: Azure Data Factory, Azure Data, HD Insights, Cognitive services, Power BI and Konfluence

What we deliver: Post assessment, we submit a detailed proposal in which we define our professional services, the solution, Azure sizing and the tools required.

Benefit the client gets: Powerful data insights based on which they can take informed decisions

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