Cloud Security Score Improvement: 6-months Implementation


Evolutive maintenance on Cloud solutions. It allows the incorporation of new services and technologies under a controlled and stable process that improves security features.

Cloud Security Score Improvement

One of the main challenges that customers face in cloud infrastructures is governance. Azure Cloud are constantly updating and releasing new products. In turn, organizations take advantage of the virtues of these environments to achieve more dynamics and agility in the acquisition and deployment of new technological solutions to support the business.

This leads to a reality of permanent change, and in this scenario, having control of the assets and their status is a very complex task. To attack this problem, there are different frameworks where their score and posture are defined as a way of evaluating each Azure Cloud environment and identifying levels of maturity in which organizations are found.

Cloud Security Score Improvement is a strategic evolutive maintenance service on Azure Cloud solutions. It allows the incorporation of new services and technologies under a controlled and stable process that improves security features, always based on Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures.

In this way, it is possible to improve the score of the Cloud environment and maintain it over time, with the support of security experts.

We offer the CSSI as part of the CSS, to give an holistic and complete view of the Cloud infrastructure of the organization after the approach (CSA) and implementation (CSD).

The CSSI can be acquired independently, offering advice based on good practices, improving the organization's Score in its Cloud.