Azure Foundations: 4-Week Assessment

Netrix Global

The Azure Foundation Assessment provides clients with a review of their server footprint using tooling such as Azure Migrate or Movere.

The Azure Foundation Assessment provides clients with a review of their server footprint using tooling such as Azure Migrate or Movere. At the end of the assessment, the client will have a breakdown of what it would cost to run workloads in Azure and a high-level implementation plan on how to migrate securely.

Key topics for this assessment include: • Understand their business to see how workloads are being utilized • Identify key apps and workloads for migration • Build an Azure adoption model with a high-level cost estimate to run workloads in Azure • Understand the capabilities of Azure Landing Zones and best practices for implementation

Assessment timeline includes: Week 1-3: Install and configure the assessment tool and collect data for analysis. Week 2: Workshop Session: Landing Zone Design Week 3-4: Workshop Session: High-level review of findings, identify Pilot apps for migration, review IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS migration targets, and map Pilot apps to target deployment types. Workshop Session: Review pricing options for all services and price out Pilot apps based on data collected. Workshop Session: Identify targets for initial migration including servers with OS that are EoS, servers on aging hardware, lift and shift of IaaS resources, disaster recovery and backup, and Pilot apps.