Microsoft MXDR Workshop: 2 Weeks

Netrix Global

Get started with integrated threat protection with one of the first Microsoft XDR-verified partner

Microsoft’s Extended Detection and Response (XDR) solutions provide a single, unified interface to collect, detect, and respond to threats across a wide variety of security solutions, including an organization’s endpoints, servers, cloud applications, emails, and more. This allows for a faster and more comprehensive detection of threats, more contextual understanding, and AI-based response and mitigation.

As one of the first Microsoft XDR verified partner and a co-development partner for Microsoft Sentinel, Netrix has been managing security for 100s of organizations.

Our engagement will help you understand Microsoft's XDR capabilities, and how we can relieve the pressure on your team for day-to-day security management.

Agenda: 1.) Documented your security strategy, in alignment with your existing environment and security objectives. 2.) Provide an overview and demo of Microsoft’s end-to-end security story. 3.) Demonstrate Netix’s security capabilities with either a real security threats or an attack orchestrated by a red team. 4.) Share best practices on how to manage a SOC and handle advanced threats.

Microsoft MXDR Workshop: 2 Weeks
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