Azure Design and Build: 6-Wk Implementation


The importance of getting design and build absolutley in-line with your business and technical requirements can not be underestimated.

Working with Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework to create a landing zone to host the workloads that you plan to build in, or migrate to the cloud. This service will guide you through the creation of a landing zone. We will define, design, build and test your Azure cloud estate.


• Establish immediate and long-term cloud landing zone requirements • Establish workable naming and tagging conventions based on best practice • Design and confirm cloud landing zone design • Build cloud landing zone and test with real application workloads • Transfer knowledge and control to the key stakeholders in your organisation • Seasoned Azure cloud architects, designers and engineers


• Design decisions informed by real world experience • Clearly documented design decisions for baseline requirements aligned to your business • Structured design for management groups, subscriptions, resource groups and resources • Cost and organisational control alignment of naming and tagging standards • Fully functional cloud landing zone ready to host your migratable workloads • Management and control of cloud environment through Azure portal and Infrastructure-as-Code • Build templates, documentation and in-depth handover sessions to facilitate quick deployment and ease the burden of transition.