OZ Digital Quantum Safe Azure Assessment


The "Quantum Safe - Assessment" helps organizations prepare their Azure environments for the future of cryptography.

The Quantum Safe - Assessment is designed to evaluate and enhance your organization's Azure environment by implementing quantum-resistant cryptography and fostering crypto agility. As quantum computing evolves, legacy encryption methods like RSA and ECC are becoming increasingly vulnerable. Our comprehensive assessment offers proactive protection, ensuring your business is ready for the quantum era. This assessment focuses on the following key areas: • Cryptographic Inventory: We conduct a thorough review of your current cryptographic assets in Azure to understand the scope of necessary changes. • PQC Readiness Evaluation: We analyze your systems for quantum-safe cryptographic readiness, identifying the most critical assets and processes to transition. • Crypto Agility Implementation: We design a quantum-safe, crypto-agile strategy to ensure your systems can seamlessly adapt to evolving cryptographic standards. • Integration of PQC Algorithms: Our experts recommend and begin integrating post-quantum cryptography algorithms, specifically tailored for Azure-based workloads. • Future-Proofing Your Azure Environment: We ensure your systems remain secure, compatible, and scalable as quantum computing capabilities advance. Deliverables: • A comprehensive report detailing the current cryptographic posture of your Azure environment. • A tailored quantum-safe and crypto-agile strategy with specific recommendations for transitioning key cryptographic elements. • Implementation roadmap for post-quantum cryptography algorithms. • Actionable recommendations to improve security, scalability, and performance in your Azure environment. • A future-proofing guide to continuously evolve with emerging quantum computing advancements.

Estimated Duration: 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the complexity and scale of your Azure environment.
