Azure Landing Zone: 3 Week Implementation


With a Quorum Azure Landing Zone, you can have confidence that your Azure cloud services are secure, efficient and deployed with best-practice principles.

Organisations across the globe are moving to the Microsoft Azure platform at an extraordinary rate. Often, however, the customers Microsoft Azure Implementation is not ready to receive new or migrated workloads. You need to partner with the experts in Microsoft Azure, Quorum.

Quorum has been working with infrastructure as code for a number of years and now most recently developed its Azure Landing Zone deployments using the Azure Bicep Language. Bicep is a domain-specific language (DSL) that uses declarative syntax to deploy Azure resources. In a Bicep file, you define the infrastructure you want to deploy to Azure, and then use that file throughout the development lifecycle to repeatedly deploy your infrastructure. This allows your resources to always be deployed in a consistent manner and aligns with the Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) industry standard development practice.

Quorum’s Azure Landing Zone accelerator will deploy a Enterprise Scale Landing Zone ready to accept workloads. This includes the following key landing zone areas as detailed below: • Management Groups • Subscriptions • Identity, Access & Management o Role Based Access Control • Networking o Virtual Networks & Peering o Subnets o Virtual Network Gateways o Site-to-Site Connectivity / ExpressRoute o Routing o Firewall • Security o Defender for Cloud • Governance o Azure Policy o Logging & Auditing • Azure DevOps and Bicep Deployment process

Azure Landing Zone: 3 Week Implementation
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