Partner up with ScienceSoft to capture, process and analyze high volumes of streaming data from multi-vendor devices.
Sample scenario
An industrial company has its equipment provisioned with numerous sensors emitting streams of data in real time. Sensor data has to be captured and mined for real-time insights to act on.
Technologies we use:
Azure IoT Hub – facilitates the communication between the IoT application and the equipment.
Azure Stream Analytics – enables identifying patterns and relationships in the data captured from the IoT devices for creating alerts and triggering actions, feeding reporting software or storing data for later use.
Microsoft Power BI – for reporting and visualizing Azure Stream Analytics output.
Note: If required, analytics results can be visualized via a custom front end developed for your particular needs.
Azure Data Lake– for storing analyzed IoT data.
Azure IoT PoC includes:
Business analysis and requirements engineering (2 days).
Business processes analysis, company’s current business needs definition, IoT project goals outline. Presenting high-level scope and purpose of the IoT solution, outline of the desired feature set and the definition of the PoC evaluation criteria.
Design (3 days).
Design of the IoT solution architecture aligned with your business needs.
Implementation (12 days).
Solution development with intermediate and final PoC demos.
Testing and Evaluation (3 days).
Getting end-users feedback and adjusting the IoT PoC, testing the PoC in production. Preparing estimations for MVC implementation.
IoT Analytics PoC
Knowledge transfer session